Household Gas Safety
1. Check frequently
检查管道的密封性和完整性,具体做法是 在管道接口处和弯折的地方涂上肥皂水,再打 开燃气阀门,观察是否有漏气现象。另一种方法是看燃气表:将灶具、燃气热 水器等全部关闭,记住燃气表上的最后一位数字,仔细观察有无走字现象,若有走字则存在 漏气。居民若无法判断,也可请燃气公司的维 修人员上门检查。
Check the tightness and integrity of the pipe. Apply soapy water to the pipe joints and bends, and then open the gas valve to observe whether there is any leakage. Or turn off all stoves, gas heaters and other gas-using facilities to check if the gas meter still ticks to judge any potential leakage. If residents cannot judge, they can also ask the maintenance personnel of the gas company to come and inspect.
2. Remember to close the valves
很多人图省事,在日常生活中只关燃气灶具,不关燃气阀门。燃气管道进户 有一个手柄阀门,这是表后阀,还有一道连接软管的灶前阀,建议晚上睡觉前关 闭灶前阀。居民外出旅游或者出差时,应同时关闭灶前阀和表后阀。
Many people only turn off gas stoves, but not gas valves. We need to close the valve that is located before the stove every night before we go to sleep. When traveling, we had better also close the second valve which is located immediately after the gas meter as the pipe enters the house.
3. Do not leave when using gas
燃气灶使用时,始终要有人在场,以免因一时的疏忽忘记了燃气灶 正在燃烧,这样案例引发的火灾数不胜数。
When the gas stove is in use, someone must always be present, so as not to forget that the gas stove is burning. Negligence has led to countless fire accidents.
4. Ensure ventilation when using gas
厨房一定要有一个通风的窗户。天然气比空气轻,万一发生泄 漏,厨房通风,天然气会飘出窗外,不会全部积聚在厨房内,避免人 员吸入过多导致中毒。这一点一定要谨记,不可以抱有侥幸心理。
There must be a window for the purpose of ventilation in the kitchen. Natural gas is lighter than air. In case of leakage, the kitchen shall be ventilated and natural gas will float out of the window. It will not accumulate in the kitchen so that people won’t be poisoned by inhaling too much. Never count on luck!
5. Pay attention to aging of natural gas hose
胶管使用寿命两年左右,有的胶管在室外风吹日晒也会减少使用寿命。此外,老鼠咬烂胶管引发的危害也时有发生,建议大家在使用时及时更换, 如果条件允许建议更换不锈钢波纹管,增强燃气使用安全指数。
The service life of a hose is about two years, and some hoses will have reduced service life when exposed to wind and sun. The hazards caused by rats biting the hose also occur from time to time. It is recommended that you replace it in time. If possible, please replace it with stainless steel bellows to enhance the safety.
Household Electricity Safety
1. 认识了解电源总开关,学会如何关闭总电源;
2. 不用手或导体(如铁丝、钉子、别针等金属用品)接触电源插座;
3. 不用湿手触摸电器,不用湿布擦电器;
4. 电器用完后,应拔掉电源;
5. 发现触电要设法及时关闭总电源或用干燥的木棍将接触分开,不要用手;
6. 不随意拆卸、安装电源电路、插座,插头等;
7. 大功率电源使用要严格按使用说明使用;
8. 教育小孩不要玩弄及接近电源电器设备。
1. Know and understand the main power switch, and learn how to cut the main power;
2. Do not touch power sockets with your hands or conductors (such as iron wires, nails, pins, etc.);
3. Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands or wipe electrical appliances with wet cloth;
4. After using electrical appliances, unplug the power supply;
5. When an electric shock occurs, try to cut the main power supply in time or use a dry wooden stick instead of your hands to separate the contacts;
6. Do not disassemble or install power circuits, sockets, plugs, etc.;
7. The use of high-power electricity supply shall strictly follow the instructions;
8. Teach children not to play with or approach power supplies and electrical equipment.
Knowledge about emergency rescue in case of an electric shock
迅速切断电源,也可用干燥的木棒或 用带有绝缘柄的工具将电线切断。如无上 述条件而必须用手解救时,救护者必须站 在干燥的木板上,用一只手拉住触电者非 贴身的干燥衣服使其脱离电源。使触电者 就地平躺,解开裤带、轻拍肩部,如触电 者伤势较重,呼吸,心跳已停止、应使其 平躺,清除口内异物,施行口对口的人工 呼吸和胸外心脏按压,送医院途中不要中 断急救措施
Cut off the power quickly, or use a dry wooden stick or a tool with an insulated handle to cut the wire. If the above conditions are not met, the rescuer must stand on a dry wooden board and use one hand to hold the dry clothes of the person who is shocked, without touching his/her skin, to remove him/her from the power source. Make the person lie down on the ground, untie the belt, and pat his/her shoulder. If the person is seriously injured with no sign of breathing or pulse, the rescuer shall make him/her lie down, remove any foreign object in his/her mouth and perform mouth-to-mouth respiration and external cardiac massage. Emergency measures shall not be stopped on the way to the hospital.
Home Safety for Kids
1.防止烫伤,孩子一个人在 家时要把装有热水的器皿放到孩 子碰不到的地方,把烧热水的电 器关闭,以免烫伤。
To prevent being burned, when a child is alone at home, utensils with hot water shall be put out of the child’s reach, and electric water heaters shall be turned off to prevent the kid from being burned.
2.日常生活中经常需要使用菜刀、水果 刀、剪刀等刀具,大人离家一定要收藏好这 些刀具。
Kitchen knives, fruit knives, scissors and other knives are often used in daily life. Adults must keep these knives in proper places when they are away from home.
3.幼小的孩子不要使用燃气,家长在离家时一定要给孩子准备好食物, 以免孩子饿了而自己到厨房弄食物吃,造成火灾。
Kids should not use gas. Parents must have food prepared for their children when they leave home to prevent the kids from going to the kitchen to get food when they are hungry, which may cause a fire.
4.家庭用电,要保护好电线、插头、插座、灯座及电器绝缘部分。要保持绝缘 部份的干燥。尽量把插座放到孩子够不到的地方,以免发生触电。
For household electricity use, please protect the insulation of wires, plugs, sockets, lamp holders and electrical appliances. Keep the insulation dry. Try to put the sockets out of children’s reach to avoid any potential electric shock.
5.阳台跌落事故很容易导致孩童死亡,因此最好在阳台门口加上围栏,使孩子 无法单独通过。绝对不可在阳台上堆放可以垫脚的东西。
Falling from a balcony can easily lead to the death of children. You’d better add a fence at the balcony door so that children cannot pass it alone. Never stack anything that children can step on in the balcony.
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