英语单词Rise, Raise, Arise的区别
英语单词Rise, Raise, Arise的区别
Rise is an intransitive (不及物) verb, which means moving up from a lower position to a higher position. It indicates the upwards movement (increase or get higher) of an object, it also can be used to indicate a change in social position.
"The sun rises from the East every day."
"Food prices rose obviously over the last year."
"The water level in the river has risen dramatically."
In addition, Rise also means to get up from lying or sitting.
"The students rose from the chairs when the teacher entered the class."
The sun rises
Raise is a transitive (及物) verb, which means it will be followed by an object.
"The girl raised her hand to interrupt the teacher."
Arise is an intransitive verb, which means “to happen, occur or come up”. Arise is more abstract, and mainly used to indicate that something abstract, mostly indicates an emergence of a problem, opportunity or situation. It indicates that something not only becomes evident (明显的), but people are also aware of it happening.
"A new crisis has arisen in the Middle East recently."
英语单词Rise, Raise, Arise的区别
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