1. 左脑按顺序推理,分析细节,并擅长线性分析。“左脑型”或“线性”思考者分析能力强,通常被形容为“聪明”。
2. 右脑思考不同类别,识别主题,综合大局。富有“街头智慧”的“右脑型”或“发散”思维者,通常被形容为“机灵”。
ust as your brain has its conscious upper part and its subconscious lower part, it also has two halves called hemispheres. You might have heard it said that some people are more left-brained while others are more right-brained. That’s not just a saying—Caltech professor Roger Sperry won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering it. In a nutshell:
1. The left hemisphere reasons sequentially, analyzes details, and excels at linear analysis. “Left-brained” or “linear” thinkers who are analytically strong are often called “bright.”
2. The right hemisphere thinks across categories, recognizes themes, and synthesizes the big picture. “Right-brained” or “lateral” thinkers with more street smarts are often called “smart.”
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